Ylli Dautaj
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About Ylli
Ylli is partner and head of DER Legal’s Dispute Resolution team. He is specialized in International Arbitration (commercial and investment).
Ylli represents clients big and small, from States, State-owned-entities, multinational corporations, to small and medium-sized enterprises and private persons. His experience includes energy (extractive and renewable), shareholders' agreements, joint ventures, construction, sales and services, franchise, agency and distribution, technology transfer, etc. Ylli has a particular substantive expertise in investment treaty arbitration and international commercial agreements.
Ylli is a PhD in law and teaches as a lecturer and professor at highly reputable universities. In addition, Ylli frequently writes books and articles in his areas of expertise.
Prefessional experience
- DER Juridik AB, Managing Partner, 2019 -
Academic experience
- Brunel University London, UK, Lecturer, 2023 -
- Durham University, Law School, UK, Teaching fellow, 2022 -
- Penn State Law, Penn State Law, USA, Adjunct Professor, 2021 -
- Uppsala University, Law School, Adjunct Faculty, 2019 -
- Jindal Global University, Law School, India, Lecturer and Senior Research Associate, 2019 och 2020
- Nirma University, Institute of Law, India, Assistant Professor of Law, 2018 - 2019
Illustrative case experience
International Arbitration
- Represented clients in matters stemming from IT-agreements, e.g. outsourcing
- Represented clients in matters of loss of business due to breaches of prolongation clauses and disloyal pre-negotiation omissions
- Represented clients in parts of investor-state arbitration matters, e.g., dealing with fair and equitable treatment, most-favored nation treatment, etc.
- Represented multiple clients in shareholders’ and JV-disputes
- Represented clients in post-M&A disputes
- Represented clients on jurisdictional objections (investment and commercial arbitration)
- Represented clients in post-award proceedings (set-aside and enforcement)
- Represented SOE in an investment arbitration matter regarding indirect expropriation, discrimination, and breaches of fair and equitable treatment, energy international commercial arbitration matter, nuclear infrastructure and JV-dispute, etc.
- Represented clients in oil and gas matters (e.g., regarding transit, investor protection, and other contract related matters)
- Represented investors in case against state for loss of investment
- Represented clients in shareholders’ disputes
- Represented shareholders in cases against the limited liability company or against the members of the board of directors and/or CEO
- Represented multiple clients in cases of loss of business due to transfer of corporate secrets or equivalent
- Represented multiple clients in cases damages due to failed or delayed services, delivery, construction, or unsatisfactory goods (quality and quantity)
- Represented clients in post-M&A disputes
- Represented clients in disputes stemming from acquisition of real estate
- Represented various contractors in construction matters
- Represented clients in enforcement/execution matters against private enterprises as well as sovereign states
- Represented Swedish municipalities in various construction matters
Commercial Agreements
- Represented biotech companies and tech scale-up in negotiating and drafting commercial agreements (e.g., NDA, MTA, JV-Agreements, R&D, Collaboration Agreements, License Agreements, etc.)
- Ph.D., University of Edinburgh, 2023
- LL.M., Penn State Law, 2018
- LL.B., University College Cork, 2017
- LL.M., Uppsala University, 2015
- Swedish
- English
- Albanian
- The Energy Charter Treaty 2.0: Promoting and Protecting Energy Investment in an Era of Sustainable Development (book chapter), in INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LAW AND THE NERGY TRANSITION, in Hart Publishing (forthcoming 2024) (eds., Volker Roeben & Rahmi Kopar).
- Frivolous claims in Swedish set-aside procedures, in Juridisk Tidskrift (forthcoming Issue 1, 2023/2024) (with former Supreme Court justice Göran Lambertz).
- Sports and Human Rights, in Idrottsjuridisk Skriftserie (forthcoming Vol. 28, 2023) (with former Supreme Court justice Göran Lambertz).
- Expedited International Arbitration: (Re)discovering traditional advantages of the arbitral process (book chapter), in EXPEDITED INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION: POLICIES, RULES AND PROCEDURES, in Kluwer Law International (forthcoming 2023) (eds., Herman Verbist & Alan M. Anderson).
- SCC Express: What dispute resolution lawyers can do to help settle, expedite, or at least streamline complex arbitration matters arising out of long-term transborder transactions, in Juridisk Tidskrift (Issue 4, 2022/2023).
- International Commercial Agreements and Electronic Commerce, in Kluwer Law International (forthcoming 7th Edn. under 2023) (with William F. Fox).
- Enforcing Arbitral Awards Against States and the Defense of Sovereign Immunity from Execution: A U.S. Perspective, in PENN STATE JOURNAL OF LAW & INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (2023).
- Sovereign immunity from execution of foreign arbitral awards in India: The “New” Kid on the (Super) Pro-Arbitration Block, in GNLU Review (2023).
- Digital Hearings – Civil Procedure and Arbitration, in Norstedts Juridik (2022) (eds. Mika Savola, Bruno Gustafsson and Rolf Åbjörnsson).
- The ICSID Convention and Sovereign Immunity Laws: Federal Court of Australia Dealing with a Supposed 'Zombie Judgment, in The International Lawyer (2022).
- Enforcing Arbitral Awards Against States and the Defense of Sovereign Immunity from Execution in Sweden, in Juridisk Tidskrift (Vol. 4, 2021/22).
- Liberal Push and the Sovereign Pull: Recognition, Enforcement, and Execution in the ICSID Convention, in Am. Rev. of International Arbitration (2022) (with Maxime Chevalier).
- Digital Expedited Arbitration: Can a world exist where digital expedited arbitration becomes the default procedure? (book chapter) in Digital Hearings – Civil Procedure and Arbitration, in NORSTEDTS JURIDIK (2022) (with Sarah van der Stad).
- Express Dispute Assessment: A Much Welcomed Form of Early Neutral Evaluation at the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, Hofstra. J. Int'l Bus. & L. (2022) (with William F. Fox).
- The Role of Domestic Procedural Rules in Setting the Scope for the Prayers for Relief in an International Commercial Arbitration with a Swedish Seat, in 11:1 The Indian Journal of Arbitration Law (2022).
- Covid-19 Arbitral Practice: Use, Misuse, and Abuse (book chapter), in EMERGING TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION, in Thomson Reuters (2021) (with Per Magnusson and Alban Dautaj).
- International Investment Law and ISDS, in 45:1 Fordham Int’l L.J (2021) (with Crina Baltag).
- Between Backlash and the Re-Emerging “Calvo Doctrine”: Investor State Dispute Settlement in an Era of Socialism, Protectionism, and Nationalism, in 41:3 Northwestern. J. Int'l L. & Bus. (2021).
- Promoting, Regulating, and Enforcing Human Rights through International Investment Law and ISDS, in 45:1 Fordham Int’l L.J (2021) (with Crina Baltag).
- (Covid-19) Arbitral Practice: Lessons We Have Learned the Hard Way, 54:4 Creighton L. Rev. (2021) (with Bruno Gustafsson).
- Fragmentation and Judicialization of International Arbitration: Expedited Arbitration and the “Arbitral Trial”, 13 Penn State Arbitration Law Review (2021).
- Jurisdictional Immunities and Certain Iranian Assets: Missed Opportunities for Defining Sovereign Immunity at The International Court of Justice, in 53 Cornell Int'l L.J. (2021) (med William F. Fox).
- Does a Right to a Physical Hearing Exist in International Arbitration? Chapter on Sweden (2021) (with Per Magnusson), James Hosking, Yasmine Lahlou and Giacomo Rojas Elgueta (eds.), in International Council for Commercial Arbitration (2021).
- The forgotten (or hidden) party perspective in the right to a physical arbitration hearing – expectations, perceptions, and higher (judicial) values, in Juridisk Tidskrift (Vol. 1, 2021/22).
- Etrak v. Libya: The long story told short, Le Ley Mediación y Arbitraje (2021).
- AI in International Arbitration: The Need for a Human Touch, in J. Disp. Resol. (Vol. 2021, Issue 1) (with Derick H. Lindquist).
- Part 1: Insolvency and arbitration – stuck somewhere between party autonomy and non-arbitrability, in 6:4 Insolvensrättslig Tidskrift (2021).
- An SCC Perspective: What happens when the expedited arbitration provisions are no longer practical? in Juridisk Tidskrift (Vol. 3, 2020/21) (with Per Magnusson).
- Sovereign Immunity from Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards: Sweden’s Liberal and Pragmatic Contribution, in 2 Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook (2020).
- Investors, States, and Arbitrators in the Crosshairs of International Investment Law and Environmental Protection, in Brill Research Perspectives (2020) (with Dr. Crina Baltag).
- China’s broken promises and diplomatic grandstanding with respect to the 2004 UN Convention on State Immunity, in Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law (2020).
- Henry Schein v. Archer & White Sales: Justice Kavanaugh Picking Low-Hanging, Pro-Arbitration Fruit While Side-Stepping the Crux of the Matter, in 75:1 Disp. Res. J. (2020) (with William F. Fox).
- The Rise of AI: Machine Arbitrators vs. Human Imperfection, in 14 Bocconi Legal Papers (2020) (with Derick H. Lindquist).
- Immunity From Suit for International Organizations: The Judiciary’s New Quest of Separating Lawsuit Sheep from Lawsuit Goats, in 27:2 Indiana. J. Global Legal Stud. (2020).
- OGEMID Seminar on Artificial Intelligence in International Arbitration, Transn’l. Disp. Management (2020) (with William F. Fox).
- Enforcing Arbitral Awards Against States and the Defense of Sovereign Immunity from Execution, in Manchester J. Int’l Economic Law (2019).
- The Life of Arbitration Has Been Experience, not Logic: Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and the Federal Arbitration Act, in Cardozo. J. Conflict Resol. 1 (2019) (with William F. Fox).
- New Prime Inc. v. Oliveira: Are the judicial pronouncements no longer superior and the text in the Federal Arbitration Act inferior?, in Diritto Commercio Internazionale (2019) (with William F. Fox).
- Provisional Measures in Investor-State Arbitration: States Playing Games in Local Courts by Invoking the Trump Card (Police Powers), in Bologna L. Rev. (2019) (with Bruno Gustafsson).
- Dissenting Opinions in Investment Treaty Arbitration: The Investment Court System, in U. C. Dublin. L. Rev. (2017).
- Arbitrators Facing Money Laundering: Between Scylla and Charybdis, Young. Arb. Rev. (2017).
- ITA: The MFN Clause and its Procedural Extension – A Case Study of the RosInvesco Case, The MFN clause in light of treaty interpretation, in Young. Arb. Rev. (2016).